The Christmas Story in Our Everyday Lives

The Christmas Story in Our Everyday Lives

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Our story takes place in the Everyday.

It is filled with the ordinary. It is a story of dusty villages far from the centers of power.

It is a story in which ordinary, everyday things happen. People work hard. A couple decides to get married. A priest takes his turn at the altar. Those who have more power take advantage of those who have less. People take trips. Cousins visit. The government imposes new taxes. Needy people struggle to find shelter. There ware stars in the sky.

Our story is made of the people and situations that we experience every day.

It is, though, an amazing story.

Our story of ordinary life is extraordinary because each part of it reveals the Sacred in the Everyday.

It is not about life becoming more sacred. Our story is already saturated with sacred truth and meaning. It is about how we realize and appreciate the essential sacredness of our lives.

We call it a life changing story, but it is really the way we experience our lives that changes. We can see the angels which were always there. We can hear the deep truth that fills our lives.

We have missed the most important part of our own story; the story helps us begin to become aware.

It is easy for us to be distracted by the everyday details. We get caught up in the work, the plans, the arrangements.

We miss the angels, the stars, the deeply sacred truth.

We need to take time and listen to the truth of our story again.

We need to remember and live in the way the Sacred fills the Everyday.

How will you live our extraordinary story today?

How will you remember?



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