CenterQuest Blog

CenterQuest Blog

For Eastertide

“If you are searching for God, then you have found him.” -Blaise Pascal

Begins a beginning

There was a day, long ago, when the taste of dying flesh was insufficiently gratifying to a Middle Eastern tomb.

Skipping Lent

Can’t I get by just fine without following Jesus and the Spirit into the Lenten wilderness at all?

When Contemplatives Fall Off the Wagon

In the rush and tumble of our normal daily pace, how do we make intentional time for stillness and presence? Here’s how I’m learning how, after falling off the contemplation wagon.

How a Post-Evangelical Found Christ in Eucharist

The worldwide body of believers, past and present, believe different things about what happens during Eucharist. Do you believe Christ is present? How have you experienced this for yourself?